Must be at least 10 characters in length and must have at least one upper, one lowercase, one number and one special character (i.e. !@#$%^&*)
If the MWCIA has assigned your application pending payment, then you must make electronic payment within two business days or coverage will not be bound. OAR will connect you to a secure U.S. Bank website to complete payment by electronic check or credit card. (Currently, the following credit cards are accepted: VISA, MasterCard.)
Steps to make payment:
It may be that you have a pop-up blocker turned on.
If you haven't already submitted the application, click on the rightmost application tab labeled “Attachments/Submit”. The “Attachments” screen will be displayed. At the top of the screen, OAR will list any attachments that are required based on data you have entered. To add an attachment, use the down arrow to select the type of attachment and then select the attachment option.
If you have already submitted the application and you received an email from us requesting the payroll decrease information, you need to login to OAR. Select the appropriate application from the list and select the Ellipsis icon (⋮). Select View Application and Components and then select either file or free form text.
NOTE: For either a file or free-form attachment, be sure to click on the “Save” button to save your changes. Click “Save” for each separate attachment type.
Click on the initials on the upper right of the blue bar on the Home Page. Click on “Profile”. Make your changes and select the Update Profile button.
A separate username and password is required for OAR (Online Assigned Risk).
No changes can be made to an online application once the application has been submitted to MWCIA. Change requests can be sent to the servicing contractor once you have received an email that payment has been received. Allow one business day for the servicing contractor to receive the application data.
Refer to the OAR User Guide. Advance to this screen by clicking on the “Forgot Username or Password” link on the Home page. Enter the user name or the email address associated with your OAR account. OAR will email your username and password to the email address currently on record for your account.
Click on the initials on the upper right of the blue bar on the Home Page. Click on “Profile”. Make sure that the email address on record is correct. If not, make the updates and click the "Update Profile" button.
Online applications must be paid for electronically. If a check is mailed to MWCIA, it will be returned without coverage being bound.
If the MWCIA has assigned your application pending payment, then you must make electronic payment within two business days or coverage will not be bound. OAR will connect you to a secure U.S. Bank website to complete payment by electronic check or credit card. (Currently, the following credit cards are accepted: VISA, MasterCard.)
To submit an application, you must be logged in and viewing the application. The application must be in a “Not Submitted” status. Click on the “Attachments/Submit” application tab. Then click on the “View & Submit” button.
You will advance to the “View Application” page. A PDF (read-only, printable) version of your application will appear in the window. You may review the application and/or print a copy for your own records. To print, be sure to click on the printer icon at the top of the PDF window (rather than the browser print icon.)
To submit the application, to MWCIA, click on the “Submit” button on the bottom of the “View Application” page. To cancel the submission, click on the “Cancel” button.
Once you have submitted your application, you will not be allowed to modify or delete the application.
OAR rounds to the closest dollar when computing the amounts that appear in the premium column.
If you are an agent submitting the online application for an employer, you should enter your contact information in this section. That way you will be notified by email that the payment has been received.
Once an application has been submitted, all corrections/changes must be sent to the servicing contractor. The servicing contractor's address will be included in the email you receive from MWCIA advising that payment has been received. Please do not email this information to MWCIA.
You can attach a request for a Certificate of Insurance to an online or hard copy application. MWCIA does not issue the certificate. The request is forwarded to the servicing contractor along with the assignment. If the application was submitted without the request for a certificate, you should contact the servicing contractor.
Yes, however you will need to add the MN Special Comp Fund Assessment surcharge to the minimum premium.
Yes. If there was no audited payroll during the policy term, the employer will receive everything back except the minimum premium for the clerical code (8810).
Once you have made electronic payment, you will receive an e-mail from MWCIA advising who the servicing contractor is along with their address and phone number. All future correspondence should be sent directly to the servicing contractor.
We recommend:
Refer to MN statue 176.041, Excluded Employments; Application, Exceptions, Election of Coverage, Subds 3. and 4. For further clarification or interpretation, please contact the MN Department of Labor and Industry (651 284-5032 or 800 342-5354).
You can click here to access it on the MWCARP website.
When you make a payment via OAR, you are accessing the US Bank system. US Bank uses the zip code to authenticate you as a customer. The bank verifies the zip code that you enter against the zip code that OAR passes. If the zip codes do not match, then you are not authorized to continue with the payment.
Payment for hard copy applications must be made by certified check, bank draft, money order, finance check, employers check or agency check. 3rd party checks will not be accepted by the Assigned Risk Plan.